Friday, 23 June 2017

non uniform day for tombola present

On Sunday Evies school has its inflatable day, and as a way of getting presents for the tombola stall, they say that you can dress in non uniform in return for a wrapped donation for the stall :)

Evie chose to wear her flamingo dress
As she has PE today we had to chose something that was easy for her to get off and on again :)


Jules said...

Bless her. That's a fabulous dress. I've got all these kind of days to look forward to. X

chocolat lover said...

its all good fun :)

Eileen H said...

Sounds like it's going to be a fun day. Non uniform days are good, Evie looks very pretty in her dress.

chocolat lover said...

It was good seeing everyone in their home clothes (as Evie puts it)