Thursday, 28 September 2017

another interview on the horizon

When I got home from doing our mid week top-up shop I noticed that there was a message on my phone... was a voicemail from the council saying that they want me to go in for an interview but its on the day of Evies fairytale day and I have offered to help that day (but as I know from last time I may not get picked) so I will call the bloke today and find out if they are interviewing other days.


Eileen H said...

I hope there'll be a different interview day for you to attend.

Jules said...

Oh no! Maybe you won't get picked for the fairytale day. In my experience interview days are not usually flexible. X

chocolat lover said...

no they werent interviewing on other days so I let Evies teacher know, especially as the chances of them wanting me to help were quite low anyway...