Friday, 29 September 2017

cake interview and wicked witches

(Ok by the title you have probably already guessed the outcome :)).

I got home from dropping Evie off at school and called the wicked witch guy and he told me that unfortunately they werent interviewing on any other days... my interview is at 11am next Monday... is for 5 hours per week on a Sunday morning :)

Today at Evies school they are holding a coffee morning I am taking in a  shop bought swiss roll and I am also taking in a tub for a cake for James and Evie.  Evie already has a 50p in her bag for a cake to have at school.  She has already told me that she is going to chose a chocolate cake :)


Eileen H said...

Good luck with the interview on Monday. Seems a shame you miss out at school for a Sunday morning job :( Evie takes after you then CL, I'd choose a chocolate cake too :-)

Jules said...

I hope the interview goes OK for you. I'm getting sooo many letters from school for things. Book week, money for a dance thingy, cake and coffee morning to raise money for a village defibrillator, PTA stuff. Keeping on top of it all is a full time job in itself!

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - I actually chose a slice of victoria sponge (my absolute favourite cake) :)

Jules - the letters just keep on coming..