Monday, 4 September 2017

booked and labelled

Since Friday I have been continually checking to see if I could order Evies lunches, then at just after 8.30 this morning it was up :)

So I have ordered her lunches up until Easter (although we only have menus until the end of October) :)

Her PE Kit and her raincoats are all labelled up too :)


Jules said...

At least that's another thing crossed off your list. I've still got labels to do and bags to get ready. Most importantly I need to clean the house. The teacher is coming to visit tomorrow!!! X

Eileen H said...

I'm glad you are all organised for tomorrow. Plenty of time to order the rest of the lunches.

chocolat lover said...

Jules - good luck with the teacher visit :)

Eileen - me too :)