Tuesday, 19 September 2017

gym trail morning again

Gym Trail starts again today...

...so that means leaving a little bit earlier than normal.

Also Evies PE days are on Gym Trail days too...

I told Evie that she had outdoor PE today and she started crying and saying that she didnt want to do it...

...so I asked her why and she said its because she doesnt like running as it makes her legs tired.

She normally loves running, so I suggested that she skips instead :)

I will ask her later how PE was, hopefully she will enjoy it again :)

We also got the diary dates leaflet yesterday...

...there was so much stuff to put in :)

Hopefully James will book the relevant time off of work (Christmas production and sports day).

There is also a school lunch that year 1 parents can go to at the end of October :)

I cant wait to see what the options are (the current menu that Evie bought home only runs until half term).


Eileen H said...

Let's hope Evie enjoys her outdoor PE, I think she will :)

School lunch for parents sounds interesting, I hope there's something tasty on offer. I used to hate school dinners :-)

Jules said...

I hope she enjoys her PE. There is always something going on at school isn't there? Autumn term is a busy one. I'm looking forward to all the Christmas events. X

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - she was fine adn even told me that she likes running again :)

Jules - the Christmas events are great :)