Sunday, 6 January 2013

blaming it on the jabs

Me & Evie met up with some of my friends yesterday...

...we have known each other for over 20 years ;o)

They had birthday & Christmas presents for Evie ;o)

She did really well...

...she got clothes, a noahs ark, my pal scout, and a giraffe ;o)

When it came to them having a cuddle with Evie she wouldnt have any of it and was crying real tears...

...the last time we had real tears she was teething!


Eileen H said...

Oh dear.
I suppose to Evie your friends were strangers. I'm sure they didn't take it too personally!

chocolat lover said...

I dont think they took it personally...

I explained about her having her jabs and that it was probably them making her feel grotty.