Sunday, 2 April 2017

the Easter holidays

Evie broke up on Friday for the Easter holidays...

...we have a few things planned... :)

On Monday were getting Evies hair cut and getting her feet measured (not both at the same time).

And one day in the week (not sure which day yet) Im going to take Evie to the cinema - she wants to watch The Smurfs Film.

We have already prewarned her that there is bound to be a scary bit in the middle but it will have a happy ending (hopefully :)).


Eileen H said...

It's a shame they put scary bits in, or bits so sad they make you cry :)

chocolat lover said...

Some kids films are very scary...

...still I dont think it has done me too much harm.

Allthough if an old hag offered me a lovely red apple I would run a mile :)