Friday 1 April 2011

the adverts have started already

It is still four weeks until Wills & Kate get wedded, but yet last night after Coronation Street I saw the first commercial  trying to get us the viewing public to watch ITV for the big day (and yes they are bound to s-t-r-e-t-c-h it out for the whole of the day too).

All I can say is thank goodness for Sky+ (perhaps they should start their marketing campaign now)..

I am not sure what my Mum did when Charles and Diana married as this was before we had a video recorder (I was 11 at the time and was out with a friend as I remember).


Al said...

I don't particularly want to watch it either. I do have the option to work for an inflated rate of pay though, so I'm trying to work out whether I would prefer an extra day off or the cash...

chocolat lover said...

if the rate of pay is that good then you could put it toward a holiday...

I think that I would prefer the day off as you cant get taxed on that!

Lot-O-Choc said...

Oh god i know its going to be dragged out so much, so much commercialism & products as well! I remember when i was in america in novemeber when it got announced they were getting married and even then all the americans were going gaga over it and then got back home & flooded with it all all over again!

Anonymous said...

Don't they already live together. Trust me, it will replayed all day and you can probably watch it on the internet too. I would like to see her dress but I don't think I will watch it. William is starting to get bald, I wonder if he will wear a hair piece.

Eileen H said...

The shop I work in will be open that day and so is hubby's workplace. Hubby will be working, and as I now know that I will be at home, I expect I'll watch the wedding, but had I not been retiring from work I think I would have volunteered to work :)

As connieemarldeyes says, yes they do live together at his base in north Wales and I had noticed he is going bald!

BTW you've given your age away in your post:)

Al said...

Well I'll get paid whether I work or not. However, if I do work then it'll effectively be double time as I'll be paid for my normal contracted day then paid normal rate for any hours I do work.

I think I'm going to see what they're offering first in terms of shifts. I can get a shorter one than usual, say 4 or 5 hours, then I'll probably work it, or if I can get a full shift but an early. I'm not sure how they're working it though, it may be that if you choose to work you need to work what you would do normally.

Kelly said...

So, wait, it will be a national holiday for y'all?

Amber, do you plan on watching?

chocolat lover said...

Natalie - where abouts were you - have you uploaded any photos on to flickr?

Eileen - LOL besides the total shock of hitting 40 - I havent hid my age (not yet anyway)...

Kelly - yes they decided that we should all celebrate the wedding - I dont intend to watch it but I am bound to glimpse it as they are bound to rerun it thousands (ok thats an exaggeration its more like hundreds) of times!

Al - my friend who works at head office of a newsagents she has been told that they have to work that day (as there are only 8 official Bank Holidays) so she has booked the day off!

Al said...

The way Tesco are working it is that if you are contracted to a Friday you will get paid for your normal shift but you don't have to come into work. If you choose to work, you will still be paid your usual shift but then paid again for what you work, so effectively double time.

If you're not contracted on Fridays, you don't get paid for the day but may work if there are shifts available for your ordinary overtime rate.

Strikes me as somewhat unfair to those who don't work Fridays but there we go.