Yesterday saw over running engineering works, and it went on all day!
My journey in the morning was ok because I had a seat... the evening however, the train only had 8 carriages as opposed to the usual 12. I couldnt see an empty seat anywhere, so I ended up having to stand.
Luckily the train was only 8 minutes late getting to Chelmsford...
...I was going to use the exercise bike yesterday, but didnt bother after the resistance training that I did on the 17.20!
I've had to stand on a First Capital Connect train from Three Bridges all the way to Blackfriars (journey time of approximately an hour). I've also wedged myself in between two seat backs between Burgess Hill and Three Bridges (also FCC) but that was only about 20 minutes. It's not all that much fun really.
It's even worse when you consider how much you're paying for the privilege!
I know - luckily I get a seat most of the time ;o)
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