On our way home from town on Friday afternoon Evie started to clap ;o)
I tried
videoing motion picturing her but she wasnt clapping for very long so I tried singing to get her to do she arm motions but that didnt work too well either ;o)
James managed to
fix the cup holder too ;o)
Clapping, that reminds me of when Myles was little. He struggled with a lot of things- like fine and gross motor things- but clapping wasn't one of them, and here's why:
We went Christmas shopping for him, with him, when he was about seven months old. Trying to distract him while he was in the cart, and trying to keep him happy, too, we found a dog toy shaped like a steak, that had a very good squeak response. Immediately, he started holding it in one hand and squeaking it with the other. It became one of his favorite toys (we still have it) and we called it his pork chop. He got the practice at moving his hands across his body and together like that so he became a clapping pro!
its amazing how a favourite toy can make all of the difference with being able to do something ;o)
She just won't cooperate will she:-)
Eileen - she did better than I remembered ;o)
she sometimes touches her head and her knees for "head shoulders knees and toes" ;o)
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