Wednesday, 22 May 2013

grabbing the spoon

For yesterdays afternoon snack I had Evie on my lap so that she could eat her Jelly ;o)

I had chopped up the jelly (in front of her) with her spoon so that it is easier to get out of the pot, I had managed to give her one spoonful before she had grabbed hold of the spoon and put in her mouth herself.

So I ended up helping her feed herself (she was too busy watching Blues Clues) to realise that I was guiding the jelly onto her spoon ;o)


Kelly said...

I guess it was a flavor she liked!

chocolat lover said...

yes it was strawberry ;o)

Eileen H said...

Haha I like your distraction tactics :-)

chocolat lover said...

it was good that she was concentrating on the show that much ;o)