Friday, 16 September 2016

first wobble & chocolate spread on onion bagel

Yesterday Evie had a packed lunch at school..

I knew that she wanted a chocolate spread sandwich so I asked her if she wanted it on bread or an onion bagel?  She said an onion bagel.

As I had already had half a bagel for my breakfast (less calories than a whole one :)) I used the other half for her, and put it in her lunch box, with some bacon rashers also.

I chopped up a huge bit of cucumber and gave her some grapes :)

I packed it all in her lunchbag with an empty water bottle.

Just as we were about to go up to the toilet before leaving for school I noticed that she looked like she was about to cry... I asked her what was wrong and she said that she didnt want to go to school, so I asked her why and she said that "she doesnt like playing" so I gave her a hug and we went upstairs.

When we got to school there was a huge box to put the lunchbags into.

When I picked her up I picked up her lunchbag and asked her how she got on with her lunch and she said that she had eaten some of it (at least she ate something).

So when we got home I checked her lunchbag and apart from a couple of pieces of cucumber everything was eaten apart from the chocolate spread on onion bagel, so I asked her if she didnt like it and she said that she didnt.

At least I will remember that for next time :)

Its her last afternoon today and then its all day next week!


Eileen H said...

It should get easier for Evie to accept going to school when it's all day every day, hopefully! Easing the children in with half days is a good idea.
I've never had an onion bagel but have to say it doesn't sound very appetising with chocolate spread :)

The Captain said...

Onion bagels are my favourite. But not with chocolate spread.

chocolat lover said...

Its a combo to remember not to do :)